Node Garbage Collector

A clean approach to optimize Node Classes, by implementing the concept of Garbage Collectors in C++.

Hey lads, so I’ve been on working Data Structures for quite while & I created some node structures as template classes like, Singly & Doubly linked-lists, etc.

After playing with these structures, I realized that they perform some very expensive operations like allocation & deallocation of nodes/memory. Means each time when user decides to push or pop a node, the compiler makes request to OS (Operating System) for allocation/deallocation, which makes the process slower on the back-end.

Recently, I found out that Java has the concept of Garbage Collectors for such scenarios. So, I thought why not implement in C++? And then, I added this really cool concept in my linked-list classes. Also, it’s really powerful technique to boost your program for long run.

The working concept is simple. Each time we want to pop a node, we do not deallocate the node/memory. Instead we transfer it to a static Garbage Collector. So, later if someone wants to push a new node, we can reuse that transferred node from Garbage Collector. In this way, we don’t have to deal with extra OS requests (i.e. using new/delete keywords).

But, here comes another problem, the program will gradually increase in size as its not releasing nodes/memory on the back-end. So I provided a release method for the user to have better control over memory management.

Note: In Doubly linked list class, this Garbage Collector works even more efficiently as each time a class object of a type gets destroyed, its’ nodes are transferred to Garbage Collector at O(1) complexity, whereas in Singly, its O(n) if we are using standard implementation (i.e. having head pointer only), but if we use custom-heavy implementation (i.e. having tail pointer too), then its complexity will also become O(1).

P.S: Below is the attached source code folder link for Singly & Doubly linked-list classes. If there is anything ambiguous, feel free to reach out. Peace!!!

Source Code Folder

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