This project is based on the idea of an offline store management application which will handle shopping items in terms of categories. Our project has two main modules (i.e. Retailer & Customer), in which we have provided unique functionalities. We’ve also prioritized the application in terms of a GUI environment (by providing 2 diff. menu outlooks) so that it ensures a good interaction between the retailer/customer and the application with complete checkout process.
Hence, catering all the requirements of both Retailer & customer with an ensured smooth experience.
Salient Features
- We have provided maximum abstraction so that the customer's data cannot be stolen/updated from app nor from its Files.
- We also ensured that all sensitive data is encrypted so that no info could be stole from files.
- The Code is in generalized format utilizing all C++ templates techniques, & variadic template function & Parameter pack (i.e. C++11 features).
- Our Project is capable of generating new Categories (i.e. Classes) At run-time, with up to 30 attributes.
- Our Application is portable, as it doesn’t require manual recompilation for generating new classes.
- All Input data errors are validated using the generic function & its overloaded versions.
- Our application is also memory efficient (i.e. vector class approach used for Items Pointer Array).
Learned/Covered Topics
- Filing (i.e. read/write abstract class objects)
- Inheritance (i.e. multi-level)
- Friend Classes
- Abstraction (i.e. all data is in private & protected mode)
- Polymorphism (func. overloading , func. Overriding, operator overloading)
- Encapsulation (i.e. all data is private/protected)
- Templates/ Variadic Templates (i.e. for generic funcs.)
- Pointer Arrays (i.e. 2D dynamic object pointer array)
Class-Relation Diagram